- ABS-plastiek is 'n akrilonitriel-butadieen-stireen-kopolimeer wat chemies bestand is, sterk, and easy to mold.
- PP plastic – polipropileen, weerstand teen suur en alkali, en 'n wye temperatuurreeks. Egter, die krag is effens laer.
- POM plastic is polyoxymethylene with high durability and a low coefficient of friction.
- PVC plastic – polyvinyl chloride – is resistant to corrosion but not to high temperatures.
- PET plastic – poliëtileentereftalaat – has a high hardness, resistance to corrosion, and other properties.
- PTFE plastic – polytetrafluoroethylene – has excellent chemical stability, high temperature, and corrosion resistance.
- Polyurethane material with great strength and toughness but low solvent resistance.
- PC plastic – polycarbonate with a high gloss and mechanical robustness.
- PEEK material – polyether ether ketone – has a high temperature and corrosion resistance but is more expensive.
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Hierdie pompe het beheerde afvoertempo's, wat voorsiening maak vir presiese toediening sonder die moontlikheid om produk te mors, wat 'n tipiese verbruikersergernis is. Oorweeg die eenvoud van 'n pomp wat presies die perfekte hoeveelheid room of lotion met elke druk lewer!