Cume diverse tappi convenienti per a nostra vita?

Diversi tappi hà i so meriti, tramindui cunvene per a nostra vita. E trè tippi di i nostri prudutti principali sò assai belli.

For all the bottles and jars nowadays, there must be a cap to go with it or else it will not work properly. In earlier times, most of the time, the containers that people used to hold things were closed with a bag, which was very inconvenient. Later on, when caps were invented, people could easily close a container.

There are many styles of caps, and our company has three main types. The first one, the Screw Cap, which is the most common cap, is used by turning open in one direction or turning close in the other.


The second one, the Flip Top Cap, is easy to use compared to the previous one, you just need to flip a small cover on the top.

Cappucciu Flip Top

The third, the Disc Top Cap, is the easiest, with the cap opening or closing controlled by pressing.

Disc Top Cap

Overall, each of these caps has its own merits, for more information, please click:


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Cappucciu di plastica (2)

Sò i Cappucci di Plastica l'Eroi Unsung di i Packaging di i Produtti?

I tappi di plastica ponu esse i cumpunenti più inconspicuous ma critichi trà e numerose cose chì compru è usemu ogni ghjornu.. Guardanu in silenziu u collu di i buttigli, realizà parechje funzioni cum'è a prutezzione di u produttu, facilità d'usu, è u riciclamentu ambientale. Oghje, fighjemu questi picculi tappi di plastica è cumu ghjucanu un rolu impurtante in l'imballu di u produttu.

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