Dongqian Lake Team Building -10th Anniversary of Songmile

Imballaggio Songmile (16)
On a sunny Sunday, all employees of Songmile came to Dongqian Lake together to hold the annual team building activity. We spent a memorable day here.

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On a sunny Sunday, all employees of Songmile came to Dongqian Lake together to hold the annual team building activity. We spent a memorable day here.

At 10 o’clock in the morning, everyone was divided into four teams in an orderly manner. They temporarily changed from colleagues to competitors and will win points for the final activity in the afternoon through a morning activity.

Imballaggio Songmile (3)

The first game: Team name and slogan. Each team needs to create a suitable team name and a catchy slogan. Afterwards, when it was time for everyone to shout, the ranking was based on the decibel level of each team shouting their team name and slogan. The first project instantly ignited everyone’s enthusiasm and competition.

The second game: “balltourism. Through the collaboration of the entire team, control the path of the ball to pass through each target and return to the starting point, with the shortest time being the first. Tested the overall team’s cooperation and tacit understanding.

Imballaggio Songmile (9)
Imballaggio Songmile (10)

The third game: ‘Huashan Sword’ Competition, where each contestant needs to step on a screaming chicken and wear an eye mask. The opponent’s position is determined by the sound of the screaming chicken and the cheers of their teammates. Of course, there are also many false information from opponents. Tested the participantssense of direction and anti-interference ability.

Imballaggio Songmile (13)
Imballaggio Songmile (12)

After a morning of accumulating points, each team obtained the startup capital to play Monopoly. This is a game that combines luck and challenge, with friendly participation between teams. The game ended in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere

Imballaggio Songmile (18)

we’ve prepared a delicious cake to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Songmile packaging co.,ltd,Mr. Zhu has divided the cake for us, wishing for the future the happiness can always be with us. Songmile Packaging can warmly move towards to another decade.

Imballaggio Songmile (24)

The sizzling baking tray, the craving for a variety of meat and vegetables, and an interesting story come to an end here

This team building activity not only improved the tacit understanding among employees, but also ignited everyone’s enthusiasm and pursuit of team goals. Every smiling face, every applause, and every cheer are precious moments that we have carefully crafted, and they are also vivid interpretations of our corporate culture.

Imballaggio Songmile (20)

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