Happy Company ReunionJeju Island

The annual large-scale reunion is here again, this time in Jeju Island, South Korea. Everyone has a great time here, leaving their worries behind.

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The annual large-scale reunion is here again, this time in Jeju Island, South Korea.

The highlights of this tour were: a walk on the beach, a coffee on the beach to enjoy the scenery, a ferry cruise, fishing from the ferry, a visit to Cow Island, a visit to the aquarium, and a seafood feast.

Jeju Travel Picture
Jeju Travel Picture
Jeju Travel Picture
Jeju Travel Picture

This trip, the staff work half a year of fatigue wash clean, at the same time our hearts also get a great sense of satisfaction, I believe that after coming back, we can have two hundred per cent of the state into the second half of the work!

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Happy Company ReunionJeju Island

The annual large-scale reunion is here again, this time in Jeju Island, South Korea. Everyone has a great time here, leaving their worries behind.

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