Skupinové cestování Ningbo Songmile

Prohlídka Songmile 1
Group Travel of Ningbo Songmile——Qingdao,červenec,2022

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Prohlídka Songmile

červenec, midsummer, the hottest day of the year.

We left the sweltering heat of Ningbo for the cool of Qingdao.

From July 15th to July 19th, we spent five wonderful days in Qingdao.

I will record with pen and paper what I have seen, heard and felt during this five-day journey.

We arrived in Qingdao late at night on July 14. The two hour flight didn’t leave us exhausted.

Prohlídka Songmile

Thanks to a good night’s rest and a good breakfast, our strength was restored.

Prohlídka Songmile

On the first day. We headed for the sea. On a cruise ship, blowing the sea breeze while feeding the seagulls.

Prohlídka Songmile

The second day. We landed on an island. We visited a museum on the island.

Prohlídka Songmile

On the third day, we came to a beach. We enjoyed sunbathing on the beach. We even went for a swim in the sea.

Prohlídka Songmile

On the fourth day, we visited Qingdao Underwater World.

Prohlídka Songmile

The fifth day. It’s time to leave. We went to buy some local products in Qingdao before we flew back to Ningbo.

Prohlídka Songmile

It was a pleasant tour. It left us an unforgettable impression.

Prohlídka Songmile

Více k prozkoumání

Songmile Christmas (5)

🎄 Merry Christmas from Songmile Packaging!

All the staff of Songmile Packaging sincerely wish you and your family a warm and pleasant Christmas, and may the festive joy and blessings accompany you through every warm moment!

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