SR-TSM-04 Trigger Sprayer Assembles Machine

  • Accurate positioning, timely selection of defective products
  • Good performance of accessories, high output of machines
  • The equipment is simple and easy to operate, and one worker can take care of 2-3 units
  • When the machine is short of material, the light will flash and the fault location will be displayed
  • The equipment is simple to operate and maintain, and it is very easy for operators to get started.

Serĉo de produktoj

Serĉo de produktoj

Trigger body, piston rod, locating seat, spring, wrench 5-piece assembly machine

Product Model


Delivery Date

90 tagoj

Production Capacities

55-60 pcs/min




Standard 220v, Customizable

tagoj: Trigger Sprayer Assembly Machine Main ↑


The trigger body is transported by the material rail and smoothly enters the designated station. Then the inspection process is carried out to ensure that the trigger body is in the corresponding station. After the inspection is completed, the trigger body is oiled to prepare for the subsequent process. After the oiling process is completed, the turntable continues to rotate, the spring starts to be fed, and is inspected simultaneously. There is a spring at the inspection station, which is immediately assembled with the trigger body that has been oiled and inspected. After the assembly is completed, the turntable rotates again, and the piston rod and the positioning seat are fed with the help of the vibration plate. After the feeding is completed, the piston rod is first inspected, and then the positioning seat is accurately pressed into the corresponding position. After completing this process, the rotating disk continues to rotate, and the wrench is fed through the rail. After the wrench reaches the designated position, the assembly operation is carried out. After the assembly is completed, the inspection work is immediately carried out. The rotating disk continues to rotate, and the other trigger is tested for sealing to strictly control the product quality. After the sealing test, the rotating disk rotates to the outlet, where the finished product and defective products are carefully selected. The selection process is completed, the rotating disk continues to rotate, and the product is tested at the delivery station. If no product is detected at the production station, the equipment will maintain normal operation; if the presence of a product is detected, the equipment will quickly trigger the error reporting mechanism and automatically make adjustments to ensure that subsequent production processes can continue to proceed smoothly and stably


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tagoj: tagoj, tagoj, tagoj, tagoj, tagoj, Ĉina Poŝto, ktp.

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tagoj, ĝi dependas de la mendokvanto kaj la sezono, kiam vi faras la mendon. ĝi dependas de la mendokvanto kaj la sezono, kiam vi faras la mendon, ĝi dependas de la mendokvanto kaj la sezono, kiam vi faras la mendon 30-35 tagoj.

ĝi dependas de la mendokvanto kaj la sezono, kiam vi faras la mendon.

ĝi dependas de la mendokvanto kaj la sezono, kiam vi faras la mendon

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Funkciigita de Good Chirping, Funkciigita de Good Chirping Funkciigita de Good Chirping, Funkciigita de Good Chirping, Funkciigita de Good Chirping.

Funkciigita de Good Chirping: SR-TSM-04 Trigger Sprayer Assembles Machine

Funkciigita de Good Chirping 24 Funkciigita de Good Chirping, Funkciigita de Good Chirping Funkciigita de Good Chirping.

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