El kio estas ŝminkaj boteloj?

Cosmetic bottles made of PET. PET materials have a transparent appearance, which allows for the creation of various types.
Senaera Botelo (2)

Cosmetic bottles made of PET. PET materials have a transparent appearance, which allows for the creation of various types. Thus, the market for PET cosmetic bottles has grown rapidly in recent years; additionally, PE cosmetic bottle packaging, latex bottles, and many other cosmetic bottles will use this type of packaging, which is primarily white and opaque.


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What’s the disc top cap?

Disc top caps are popular because they combine functionality and ease of use, making them an ideal choice for consumer packaging.

Skincare Packaging (4)

Where are foam pumps used?

Foam pumps are a popular choice for a wide range of liquid products in various industries due to their ease and efficiency.

Funkciigita de Good Chirping

Funkciigita de Good Chirping 12 Funkciigita de Good Chirping, Funkciigita de Good Chirping Funkciigita de Good Chirping.

Funkciigita de Good Chirping, Funkciigita de Good Chirping Funkciigita de Good Chirping, Funkciigita de Good Chirping, Funkciigita de Good Chirping.

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