What is the structure of a trigger sprayer?

Introduction of the basic structure of trigger sprayer and differentiation of the characteristics of different types,and the display of beautiful products.

The basic components of a trigger sprayer are: cigaredingo, handle, thread, body, shroud, tube, and gasket. There are different categories of these parts, so the price will vary according to the different combinations that make them up.

It can be divided into two categories according to the structure of the simple trigger sprayer and strong trigger sprayer, strong sprayer contains a flat pump sprayer and slant pump sprayer, flat pump sprayer can also be subdivided into all plastic trigger sprayer and flat pump sprayer with a spring. Simple trigger sprayer that the body is 90 degrees at right angles, flat pump trigger sprayer’s pump body parallel to sprayer body and slant pump sprayer’s pump body at a 45 degree angle to the sprayer body.The following pictures show their above mentioned characteristics very clearly.

Ellasilo Sprayer 2

Within these broad categories, we have manufactured many beautiful and unique square guns according to different customer requirements and our own innovations, as shown in these pictures below.

Ellasilo Sprayer
Trigger With Clip 2
Trigger Sprayer Pump 11

Our products are much more than that, if you are interested, you are welcome to come and find out more!


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Funkciigita de Good Chirping

Funkciigita de Good Chirping 12 Funkciigita de Good Chirping, Funkciigita de Good Chirping Funkciigita de Good Chirping.

Funkciigita de Good Chirping, Funkciigita de Good Chirping Funkciigita de Good Chirping, Funkciigita de Good Chirping, Funkciigita de Good Chirping.

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