¿Qué tan diferentes gorras son convenientes para nuestra vida??

Diferentes gorras tienen sus propios méritos., Ambos son convenientes para nuestra vida.. Y tres tipos de nuestros productos principales son muy hermosos..

For all the bottles and jars nowadays, there must be a cap to go with it or else it will not work properly. In earlier times, most of the time, the containers that people used to hold things were closed with a bag, which was very inconvenient. Later on, when caps were invented, people could easily close a container.

There are many styles of caps, and our company has three main types. The first one, the Screw Cap, which is the most common cap, is used by turning open in one direction or turning close in the other.


The second one, the Flip Top Cap, is easy to use compared to the previous one, you just need to flip a small cover on the top.

Tapa superior abatible

The third, the Disc Top Cap, is the easiest, with the cap opening or closing controlled by pressing.

Tapa superior del disco

En general, each of these caps has its own merits, for more information, please click: www.songmile.com


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Pulverizador de gatillo morado

¿Por qué los pulverizadores de gatillo son esenciales para todo arsenal de limpieza??

Los pulverizadores de gatillo se han convertido en herramientas esenciales tanto en la limpieza residencial como comercial., proporcionando facilidad y adaptabilidad incomparables. Nuestros pulverizadores de gatillo, que vienen en tamaños 28/400, 28/410, y 28/415, están compuestos de polipropileno resistente (PÁGINAS), permitiéndoles sobrevivir al uso regular sin afectar el rendimiento.

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