New office

News picture-Working hard
T/T, LTD was founded.

Partekatu argitalpen hau

June 1st, 2019. A nice day, ChildrensDay, we moved to a new officeand we have a brand new start!

Apirilean. 1st, 2014, T/T, LTD was founded. Our products have expanded to another plastic packaging, including several types of trigger sprayer, lotion pump and fine mist sprayer. New types of equipment and production lines are installed in the same year, and we are fast-moving to catch up with growing demand.

After 2 urteetako garapena, we are starting to get involved in the development of PE&PET bottles with reliable partners, we also enter into cosmetic packaging development, our intention is to provide solutions of packaging for our clients

2018, we are dedicated to improving the management of production and developing new products, which makes it possible to help our clients to grow their business, and our sales have multiplied.

2019,Integrity, service, efficiency, win-win. We wish to be a global packing supplier!

Songmile Packaging, one-stop packaging solution.

News picture-Waiting for you!
Waiting for you!
News picture-Our Sample Room
Our Sample Room


Gehiago arakatzeko

Chinese New Year

Holiday Notice: Spring Festival 2025 Schedule

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks for your trust and support over the past year. We wish you a prosperous and joyful New Year, and we look forward to continuing our successful partnership in 2025!

Songmile Packaging Happy Birthday (11)

Ten Years of Brilliance: A Celebration of Gratitude and Growth

As the curtains rose on Songmile’s 10th Anniversary Gala, the evening unfolded with the perfect balance of joy, gratitude, and community. The milestone event was more than just a celebration of accomplishments; it was also a sincere tribute to the people who made this trip so memorable.

Zure negozioa bultzatu nahi al duzu?

jar iezaguzu lerro bat eta jarraitu harremanetan

Albisteak Post-BG


Ltd 12 Ltd, Ltd Ltd.

Ltd, Ltd Ltd, Ltd, Ltd.

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