Team building travel ——Taiwan

News picture-Team building travel Taiwan
Travel to Taiwan.

Diel dit berjocht

June 19th to 25th, Ien diel fan Ningbo Songmile Packaging Co., LTD organized a team-building trip. The employees of the company went to beautiful Taiwan to start a beautiful 7-days trip and returned safely.

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Taiwan has always been known as thetreasure island”, with beautiful natural scenery and rich products, this trip is very beautiful.

Ien diel fan Ningbo Songmile Packaging Co., LTD is a professional global packaging supplier. The company main a series of plastic products such as trigger sprayerslotion pumpsmist sprayers,cream pompen,foam pompen,caps,flessen,cream jars and so on.

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The company has a history of nearly 10 years and has a stable global customer, supplier and work team. We put the customer’s needs first, but also care about the feelings of employees, which is a warm enterprise. The annual group tour is an additive that enhances our feelings and better serves our customers.

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If you want to join us, please pay attention to our recruitment information. If you want to work with us, please contact us.

Ien diel fan Ningbo Songmile Packaging Co., Ltd.
TEL:+86 574 87536046/89070847
CEL:+86 15381933749
SKYPE: zhulisong-820626
WhatsApp: +86 15381933749
Facebook: +86 13732170753





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