Cad iad na tréithe spraeála truicear?

Is buidéal spraeála é spraeire truicear plaisteach le meicníocht truicear-tairisceana a dháileann spraeála. Úsáidtear polapróipiléine nó poileitiléin ard-dlúis go coitianta chun na spraeirí seo a dhéanamh (HDPE).
Spraeire Truicear Láidir

Trigger sprayers are a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of tasks. They’re typically made of plastic and come in a variety of colors and styles. Many plastic sprayers are sold in bulk to save you money. A trigger sprayer includes an on/off clip and a nozzle. The nozzle allows the user to control how much product is dispensed. Some nozzles can spray, stream, or mist, while others have an off position and a twist-open cap.

Is buidéal spraeála é spraeire truicear plaisteach le meicníocht truicear-tairisceana a dháileann spraeála. Úsáidtear polapróipiléine nó poileitiléin ard-dlúis go coitianta chun na spraeirí seo a dhéanamh (HDPE). This material has high impact resistance as well as moisture barrier properties. These sprayers can also be configured to produce a variety of spray patterns, including fine mist, coarse spray, and jet stream.


Tuilleadh Post

Plastic Cap (2)

Are Plastic Caps the Unsung Heroes of Product Packaging?

Plastic caps may be the most inconspicuous yet critical components among the numerous things we buy and use on a daily basis. They silently guard the necks of bottles, performing numerous functions such as product protection, éasca le húsáid, and environmental recycling. Today, let’s look at these little plastic caps and how they play an important part in product packaging.

Spraeire Mist SM-MS-20

Spraeire Mist SM-MS-20 12 Spraeire Mist SM-MS-20, Spraeire Mist SM-MS-20 Spraeire Mist SM-MS-20.

Spraeire Mist SM-MS-20, Spraeire Mist SM-MS-20 Spraeire Mist SM-MS-20, Spraeire Mist SM-MS-20, Spraeire Mist SM-MS-20.

Cosaint Sonraí

Chun dlíthe cosanta sonraí a chomhlíonadh, iarraimid ort athbhreithniú a dhéanamh ar na príomhphointí sa phreabfhuinneog. Leanúint ar aghaidh ag baint úsáide as ár suíomh Gréasáin, ní mór duit cliceáil ar 'Glac leat & Dún'. Is féidir leat tuilleadh a léamh faoinár bpolasaí príobháideachais. Déanaimid do chomhaontú a dhoiciméadú agus is féidir leat rogha an diúltaithe trí dhul chuig ár bpolasaí príobháideachais agus cliceáil ar an ngiuirléid.