SR-TSM-05 Trigger Sprayer Assembles Machine

  • Accurate positioning, timely selection of defective products
  • There is a product legacy detection process to better identify problems and shorten operation time
  • When the machine is short of material, the light will flash and the fault location will be displayed
  • Touch screen, simple operation

Fiosrachadh a bharrachd


Trigger sprayer cover and tube assembly machine

Product Model


Delivery Date

90 làithean

Production Capacities

55-64 pcs/min




Standard 220v, Customizable

Trigger Body Feed
Trigger Body Feed
Luchdaich sìos: Trigger Sprayer Assemly Machine Main ↑


The cover of the trigger sprayer is fed through the material rail, and the turntable starts to rotate to detect whether there is a cover on each station. Once the cover is detected, it is immediately positioned. Subsequently, the turntable continues to rotate, and the gun body completes the loading process through the elevator, and the relevant detection process is started at the same time. When the cover and the gun body are ready, the two are installed.

After the installation is completed, the turntable rotates again to detect whether there are assembled products at the corresponding station. If the product exists, the trigger sprayer immediately performs the insertion operation, and the trigger sprayer that has completed the insertion needs to be inspected again. Immediately afterwards, the turntable rotates to the defective station, where the staff selects and classifies the products. After that, the turntable continues to rotate and the product is inspected at the output station. If it is detected that there is no product at the station, the equipment continues to operate normally; if it is detected that there is a product, the equipment immediately triggers the error reporting mechanism and automatically makes corresponding adjustments.

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Tha, tha samples saor an-asgaidh. Ach tha a’ chosgais luath air cunntas a’ cheannaiche.
Dòighean luingeis: EMS, DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT, Post Sìona, etc.

Tha. Tha sinn nar companaidh malairt agus saothrachaidh, is urrainn dhuinn am bathar às-mhalairt leinn fhìn.

Sgrùdadh iomlan air loidhne cruinneachaidh le inneal proifeasanta.
Sgrùdadh toraidh crìochnaichte agus pacaidh.

Teirmean malairt: FOB &CIF ,c&F etc. Teirm pàighidh : T/T , 30% mar thasgadh, 70% mus shipping.Finished sgrùdadh toraidh agus pacaidh.

Gu h-onarach, tha e an urra ri meud an òrduigh agus an ràithe a chuireas tu an òrdugh. Gu h-àbhaisteach, bidh an lìbhrigeadh timcheall 30-35 làithean.

Tha sgioba leasachaidh againn le luchd-dealbhaidh sàr-mhath a dhealbhaicheas stuthan ùra a rèir iarrtas luchd-cleachdaidh.

Rannsachadh Bathar

Faigh Quick Quote

Freagraidh sinn a-staigh 12 uairean, feuch an toir thu aire don phost-d leis an iar-leasachan “”.

Cuideachd, faodaidh tu a dhol dhan Duilleag Fios, a bheir seachad foirm nas mionaidiche, ma tha barrachd cheistean agad airson toraidhean no ma tha thu airson fuasgladh pacaidh fhaighinn air a cho-rèiteachadh.

Rannsachadh: SR-TSM-05 Trigger Sprayer Assembles Machine

Freagraidh na h-eòlaichean reic againn taobh a-staigh 24 uairean, feuch an toir thu aire don phost-d leis an iar-leasachan “”.

Dìon Dàta

Gus gèilleadh ri laghan dìon dàta, bidh sinn ag iarraidh ort ath-sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air na prìomh phuingean anns a’ priob-uinneag. Gus leantainn air adhart a’ cleachdadh ar làrach-lìn, feumaidh tu briogadh air 'Gabh ris & Dùin'. Faodaidh tu barrachd a leughadh mun phoileasaidh prìobhaideachd againn. Bidh sinn a’ clàradh d’ aonta agus faodaidh tu tarraing a-mach le bhith a’ dol chun phoileasaidh prìobhaideachd againn agus a’ cliogadh air a’ widget.