What are the components of the airless bottle?

The components of an airless bottle typically include Outer shell,Base plate,Piston,Pump,Nozzle,Dip tube,Cap.

The components of an airless bottle typically include:

Outer shellThis is the main body of the bottle that holds the product.

Base plateThis is the bottom of the bottle that the piston rests on.

PistonThis is the component that sits against the base plate and pushes the product up as you use it.

PumpThis is the component that creates the vacuum inside the bottle, which helps to prevent air from getting into the product.

NozzleThis is the part of the bottle that dispenses the product.

Dip tubeThis is the tube that extends from the pump to the bottom of the bottle, allowing the product to be dispensed.

CapThis is the top part of the bottle that covers the nozzle and helps to keep the product fresh.


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