Group Travel of Ningbo Songmile

Group Travel Of Songmile
Group Travel of Ningbo Songmile——Qiandao Lake,Yuli,2022

Raba Wannan Post

Abubuwan da aka bayar na Ningbo Songmile Packaging Co., Ltd., Ltd set the first team-building trips on the beautiful Qiandao Lake in the 2022 year.

If you did not visit Qiandao Lake this summer, you would regret all year . Despite the intensive heat all over Zhejiang province, you can always enjoy a pleasant stay at the summer resort here.

It took us approximately three hours of drive from Ningbo to reach the first site of Qiandao Lake, the Forest Oxygen Bar.

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With a most fascinating natural scenery, Forest Oxygen Bar was covered by greenery. The beautiful landscape of the primitive forest, the overlapping peaks and mountains, the turbulent flows of water and river, all of those pristine natural sceneries offer you the refreshing breeze along with the comfort of forest oxygen bar which cools you down all summer along! This coolness was the most desire for us, which delivered abundant happiness and healing. This is where we traversed the semi-primitive forest, cleansed our lungs with oxygen, and participated in the skimming game, which brought surprise and a sense of being free.

Songmile Travel

Afterwards, we departed for a cycling trip around the lake. We were able to appreciate the unique bicycle culture while riding and exercising. The wind was blowing, the thick clouds were drifting far awayand we were moving between the crystal blue Qiandao Lake and the lush greenery which present the beauty of nature and the pleasure of riding to us. Duk da haka, we are really worn out after an hour and a half of cycling.

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The next day, everyone got up early for a lake tour. With a bright sunshine and a stunning view of the lake and mountains, the scenery was breathtaking. With music looping in our ears, the yacht cruised swiftly through the mountains, leaving us with a feeling of sailing towards the sea.

Group Travel Of Songmile 1

Ƙari Don Bincika

Sabuwar kasar Sin

Sanarwar hutu: Bikin bazara 2025 Tsarin aiki

Muna so mu bayyana nazarin zuciyarmu don dogaro da kuma tallafawa a shekarar da ta gabata. Muna muku fatan alheri da farin ciki, kuma muna fatan ci gaba da ci gaba da hadin gwiwar mu 2025!

SongMile mai maraba barka da ranar haihuwa (11)

Shekaru goma na haske: Bikin godiya da girma

Kamar yadda labulen ya tashi a ranar 12 ga Gala, Maraice maraice tare da cikakken daidaito na farin ciki, godiya, da al'umma. Babban taron ya kasance fiye da bikin cim ma; Hakanan babban haraji ne ga mutanen da suka yi wannan tafiya don haka abin tunawa.

Shin Kuna Son Haɓaka Kasuwancin ku?

sauke mu layi kuma ku ci gaba da tuntuɓar mu

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Samun Magana Mai Sauri

Za mu amsa a ciki 12 hours, da fatan za a kula da imel tare da suffix "".

Hakanan, za ku iya zuwa Shafin Tuntuɓa, wanda ke ba da ƙarin cikakken tsari, idan kuna da ƙarin tambayoyin samfura ko kuna son samun shawarwarin marufi.

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