Coj koj kom nkag siab txog kev tsim thiab tsim cov iav fwj

Cov ntsiab lus ntuj yog siv los tsim iav. Quartz xuab zeb yog qhov tseem ceeb. Soda txo qhov melting point ntawm xuab zeb. Txiv qaub hardens, ci, thiab tiv thaiv iav.

Cov ntsiab lus ntuj yog siv los tsim iav. Quartz xuab zeb yog qhov tseem ceeb. Soda txo qhov melting point ntawm xuab zeb. Txiv qaub hardens, ci, thiab tiv thaiv iav.

Raw Material

Quartz sand,lime,sodium carbonate,dolomite,feldspar

Raw Mateial


The furnace raises the temperature of the mixture to 1,580° Celsius. The primary raw materials and used glass melt. Natural gas is used to generate the heat required for the glass manufacturing process.


Shape Up

The molten glass is constantly changing. Warm, gleaming glass drops are cut off, directed into a gutter, and fed into a pre-mould. Compressed air gives the glass container its final shape in the final mould.

Shape Up


The red-hot glass jars and bottles are gradually cooled in the cooling oven to release any tension in the material. After that, the surface is treated to prevent scratches.



At the cold end of our glass production, we strictly test product quality


Package Delivery

Glass containers are lined up on pallets and wrapped in film in a fully automated process. They proceed to the finished goods warehouse or directly to dispatch from here.

Package Delivery


Ntau Tshaj

Yas hau (2)

Yog cov kaus mom yas lub unsung heroes ntawm cov khoom ntim khoom?

Lub kaus mom yas yuav yog qhov tsis muaj peev xwm tseem ceeb tshaj plaws ntawm cov ntau yam uas peb yuav thiab siv nyob rau txhua hnub. Lawv ntsiag to tus saib xyuas lub caj dab ntawm fwj, ua ntau lub zog xws li cov khoom tiv thaiv, Yooj yim siv, thiab ib puag ncig rov ua dua tshiab. Niaj hnub no, Cia peb saib cov hau yas me me thiab lawv yuav ua li cas ua si qhov tseem ceeb hauv cov khoom ntim khoom.

Tau txais Daim Ntawv Qhia Ceev

Peb yuav teb rau hauv 12 teev, thov xyuam xim rau email nrog cov lus tom qab “”.

Kuj, koj tuaj yeem mus rau Hu rau nplooj ntawv, uas muab ib daim ntawv qhia ntxaws ntxiv, yog tias koj muaj lus nug ntxiv rau cov khoom lossis xav kom tau txais kev ntim khoom sib tham.

Kev Tiv Thaiv Cov Ntaub Ntawv

Txhawm rau ua raws li cov cai tiv thaiv cov ntaub ntawv, peb thov kom koj saib xyuas cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb hauv qhov popup. Txhawm rau txuas ntxiv siv peb lub vev xaib, koj yuav tsum nias 'Accept & Kaw'. Koj tuaj yeem nyeem ntxiv txog peb txoj cai ntiag tug. Peb sau koj qhov kev pom zoo thiab koj tuaj yeem xaiv tawm los ntawm kev mus rau peb txoj cai ntiag tug thiab nyem rau ntawm widget.