
Kedu ka karama na-enweghị ikuku si arụ ọrụ?

karama enweghị ikuku

New, innovative airless bottles consist of a bottle container, a plastic piston apparatus inside a diaphragm in the body, and a pump head at the mouth of the bottle. When the pump is depressed, the piston moves upward inside the diaphragm.

Pressure works to fill the empty cavity and then dispenses the contents uniformly. When your customers are using small quantities, the precision afforded by airless pumps can be extremely important, especially for treatment products that require a higher level of accuracy.

plastic airless bottle work


Ozi ndị ọzọ

Oke diski kacha elu

What’s the disc top cap?

Disc top caps are popular because they combine functionality and ease of use, making them an ideal choice for consumer packaging.

Skincare Packaging (4)

Where are foam pumps used?

Foam pumps are a popular choice for a wide range of liquid products in various industries due to their ease and efficiency.

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