What is glassblowing?

To roll and shape the glass, glassblowers frequently use a large, flat surface known as a marver.
Nyefee na karama (1)

To roll and shape the glass, glassblowers frequently use a large, flat surface known as a marver. While working with glass, several tools are also used. A block is a wetted wooden shaping tool, as is a jack, a bladed tool. To protect the blower from extreme heat, heat shields and paddles are frequently used. The paddles can also be used to smooth out hot glass. Tweezers are another useful tool for grabbing and manipulating hot glass.


Ozi ndị ọzọ

Plastic Cap (2)

Are Plastic Caps the Unsung Heroes of Product Packaging?

Plastic caps may be the most inconspicuous yet critical components among the numerous things we buy and use on a daily basis. They silently guard the necks of bottles, performing numerous functions such as product protection, ease of use, and environmental recycling. Today, let’s look at these little plastic caps and how they play an important part in product packaging.

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