SR-LPM-01 Lotion Pump Assembly Machine

  • Dual-channel design to ensure production capacity
  • Multi-station installation to improve production efficiency
  • There is a product legacy detection process to better identify problems and shorten operation time
  • When the machine is short of material, the light will flash and the fault location will be displayed
  • The equipment is simple and easy to operate, and one worker can take care of 2-3 units



Piston 3-piece automatic assembly machine

Product Model


Delivery Date

90 daga

Production Capacities

100-130 pcs/min




Standard 220v, Customizable

Piston Feed Station
Piston Feed Station
Sækja: Piston Rod 3 Pcs Assembly Machine Main ↑


The piston rod is fed in an orderly manner through the vibration plate and arrives at the corresponding station accurately for inspection. After the inspection is completed, the rotating plate rotates smoothly, and the piston is fed to the corresponding station with the help of the vibration plate, and installed with the piston rod that has completed the inspection. After the installation is completed, the rotating plate rotates again, and the detection device at this station will determine whether there is a product. If there is a product, the bottom valve is immediately fed through the vibration plate and assembled with the previous parts. After the assembly is completed, the rotating plate continues to run to the finished product and defective product selection station to select products according to established standards. The rotating plate then continues to rotate, and when it reaches the production station, it is checked again whether there is a product here. If no product is detected, the rotating plate keeps running and a new round of production process is started; if a product is detected, the error reporting mechanism is triggered, and the relevant personnel immediately conduct problem investigation and adjustment.

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Já, sýnishorn eru ókeypis. En hraðkostnaðurinn er á reikningi kaupanda.
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Skoðun fullunnar vöru og umbúða.

Viðskiptakjör: FOB &CIF ,C&F o.s.frv. Greiðsluskilmálar : T/T , 30% sem innborgun, 70% fyrir sendingu. Skoðun fullunnar vöru og umbúða.

Heiðarlega, það fer eftir pöntunarmagninu og tímabilinu sem þú pantar. Venjulega, afhendingin verður í kring 30-35 daga.

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Fyrirspurn: SR-LPM-01 Lotion Pump Assembly Machine

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