ソングマイルの宴,へようこそ 2024!

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Our boss James and Lisa gave a speech:

Affirm the efforts of Songmile partners in the past year and look forward to a more perfect future.

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Friends from India joined the banquet, combining Chinese and Western, making the New Year flavor stronger.

They sangAankhein Khuliand we presented them with a special gift of the Chinese Year of the Dragon, demonstrating our friendship.

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Partners from Songmile also joined in the offering, showing their personal charm and stirring up a round of applause. The audience was enchanted in the wonderful songs. What a warm and happy Songmile family banquet!

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We meet in Songmile! Delicious food, warm atmosphere,!let us look forward to the future intimate cooperation between each other.

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After dinner, we played traditional Chinese small games, everyone was happy and enjoyed themselves.

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Our company has a recreation area where people play billiards to relax.

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What comes into view is our elaborate gift, everyone haswe hope everyone in our banquet can have fun .

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Specially prepared for the annual meeting of the exquisite Year of the Dragon cake, wish we can ride the wind next year.

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As a coastal city – 寧波, seafood is an indispensable beauty on our table

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ついに, the photo of our Songmile family, everyone dressed beaming, ready to welcome a better 2024!

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休日の通知: 春祭り 2025 スケジュール

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks for your trust and support over the past year. We wish you a prosperous and joyful New Year, and we look forward to continuing our successful partnership in 2025!

Songmile パッケージ Happy Birthday (11)

10 年の輝き: 感謝と成長の祭典

ソンマイル10周年記念ガラの幕が上がる中, その夜は完璧な喜びのバランスで展開した, 感謝, そしてコミュニティ. このマイルストーンイベントは単に業績を祝うだけではありませんでした; それはまた、この旅行をとても思い出深いものにしてくれた人々への心からの敬意でもありました.





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