SR-DBM-01 Dropper Assembly Production Equipment

  • Accurate positioning, timely selection of defective products
  • The length of the dropper can be adjusted according to the customer’s size, up to 100mm
  • There is a product legacy detection process to better identify problems and shorten operation time
  • When the machine is short of material, the light will flash and the fault location will be displayed
  • Touch screen, simple operation

Panelusuran produk

Product Model


Delivery Date

90 Panelusuran produk

Production Capacities

60-66 pcs/min




Standard 220v, Customizable

Dropper Feeding Station
Dropper Feeding Station
Panelusuran produk: Dropper Bottle Machine Main ↑


Place the dropper ring, feed it through the conveyor belt, when the Collar enters the workstation, the conveyor belt flips, then the rotating disk rotates, and the Collar is turned to the inspection station (check whether there is a Collar at the inspection station), the rotating disk continues to rotate, and turns to the station where it is assembled with the dropper rubber head, the rubber head enters the corresponding track through the feeding conveyor belt, the Collar is matched with the rubber head, the rotating disk continues to rotate, and the Collar and the rubber head are firmly assembled, the rotating disk continues to rotate to the dropper station, match the three-piece set, fix and press the dropper and the Collar rubber head, the rotating disk rotates to the product outlet, finished and defective products are selected, the rotating disk continues to rotate, and detects whether there is a product at the production station, if there is no product, it continues to run, if there is a product, error adjustment is made.

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Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf. Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf.
Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf: Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, China Post, lsp.

Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf. Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf.

Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf.
Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf.

Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf: Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf &Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf ,Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf&Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf. Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf : Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf , 30% Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, 70% sadurunge dikirim.Produk rampung lan inspeksi kemasan.

Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf. Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf, Katalog Songmile 2022.pdf 30-35 Panelusuran produk.

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