Apa jinis bahan nozzle plastik sing paling populer?

Plastik ABS minangka kopolimer akrilonitril-butadiene-styrene sing tahan kimia., kuwat, lan gampang dibentuk.plastik PP - polipropilena, resistance asam lan alkali, lan sawetara suhu sing amba. Nanging, daya rada ngisor.
Pompa Sprayer Kab (1)
  1. Plastik ABS minangka kopolimer akrilonitril-butadiene-styrene sing tahan kimia., kuwat, and easy to mold.
  2. PP plastic – polipropilena, resistance asam lan alkali, lan sawetara suhu sing amba. Nanging, daya rada ngisor.
  3. POM plastic is polyoxymethylene with high durability and a low coefficient of friction.
  4. PVC plasticpolyvinyl chlorideis resistant to corrosion but not to high temperatures.
  5. PET plasticpolyethylene terephthalatehas a high hardness, resistance to corrosion, and other properties.
  6. PTFE plasticpolytetrafluoroethylenehas excellent chemical stability, high temperature, and corrosion resistance.
  7. Polyurethane material with great strength and toughness but low solvent resistance.
  8. PC plasticpolycarbonate with a high gloss and mechanical robustness.
  9. PEEK materialpolyether ether ketonehas a high temperature and corrosion resistance but is more expensive.


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