Şûşeyên plastîk çawa têne hilberandin?

Tevahiya pêvajoyê otomatîk e, bi kapasîteya çêkirina bi sedan an jî bi hezaran şûşeyên plastîk her deqîqe. Yek ji rêgezên herî gelemperî ji bo hilberîna tiştên plastîk şilkirina derzîlêdanê ye
Bottle Shampoo Foam

The steps involved in producing plastic bottles are as follows.

Raw Material Preparation The most widely used raw material is polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resin, which is in the form of fine particles that must be dried and dehumidified.

Cylinder feeding. The dried PET resin pellets are loaded into the cylinder of the injection moulding machine. The barrel is heated until the PET resin is molten.

Injection Moulding Molten PET resin is injected into a closed mould cavity. The mould is typically made of two pieces, the middle of which is shaped into the shape of the desired product cavity. Following injection, the bottle is cooled and formed.

Remove the finished result. After cooling and curing, the mould is opened, the plastic bottle is removed, and the cycle repeats.

Deburring Burrs on freshly injected plastic bottles may need to be physically or chemically removed.

Other Post-Processes Finally, the bottle’s surface may require decoration such as printing, painting, labeling, and so on in order to be more visually beautiful and practical.

Tevahiya pêvajoyê otomatîk e, bi kapasîteya çêkirina bi sedan an jî bi hezaran şûşeyên plastîk her deqîqe. Yek ji rêgezên herî gelemperî ji bo hilberîna tiştên plastîk şilkirina derzîlêdanê ye.


Mesajên Zêdetir

Plastic Cap (2)

Are Plastic Caps the Unsung Heroes of Product Packaging?

Plastic caps may be the most inconspicuous yet critical components among the numerous things we buy and use on a daily basis. They silently guard the necks of bottles, performing numerous functions such as product protection, ease of use, and environmental recycling. Today, let’s look at these little plastic caps and how they play an important part in product packaging.

Gotinek Bilez bistînin

Em ê di hundir de bersivê bidin 12 saetan, ji kerema xwe bala xwe bidin e-nameya bi paşgir "@song-mile.com".

Jî, hûn dikarin biçin Rûpelê Têkilî, ku formek berfirehtir peyda dike, ger ji bo hilberan bêtir lêpirsînên we hebin an hûn dixwazin çareseriyek pakkirinê ya muzakere bistînin.

Parastina Daneyên

Ji bo ku bi qanûnên parastina daneyan re tevbigerin, em ji we daxwaz dikin ku hûn xalên sereke yên di popupê de binirxînin. Ji bo berdewamkirina karanîna malpera me, hûn hewce ne ku 'Qebûl' bikirtînin & Nêzîkî'. Hûn dikarin li ser polîtîkaya nepenîtiyê ya me bêtir bixwînin. Em peymana we belge dikin û hûn dikarin bi çûna polîtîkaya nepenîtiyê û tikandina widgetê veqetînin.