Songmile Packaging 2023 Tailand Reunion Tour

Songmile Packaging Thailand Group Training (2)
Reunion, we are serious. On 2 Tîrmeh 2023, we left for Thailand! We gathered at the airport in the morning to prepare for our trip to Thailand. We believe this journey will be enthusiastic and enjoyable! This activity is full of all kinds of food, different attractions to hit, and more wonders, Whisper it to you, there is also a net red open coconut it ~!

Vê Postê Parve bikin

This summer, “Thaiis cool!

Reunion, we are serious. On 2 Tîrmeh 2023, we left for Thailand! We gathered at the airport in the morning to prepare for our trip to Thailand. We believe this journey will be enthusiastic and enjoyable! This activity is full of all kinds of food, different attractions to hit, and more wonders, Whisper it to you, there is also a net red open coconut it ~!

Songmile Packaging Thailand Group Training 3
Songmile Packaging Thailand Group Training 4

When you come to Thailand, the first thing that comes to mind is the food. Garlic oysters are all big, so you can have a bite of burst juice! You can choose from a variety of fresh fruit tea, a cup full of fruit juice, and full of particles of fruit meat, the main focus is refreshing!

Here you can achieve durian freedom, full of durian pulp! One by one, they are lying obediently in the box, waiting for everyone’s selection. The little ones have chosen a lot of them, the taste is sweet but not greasy. Mangosteen is white and tender, not only big but also very sweet.

I simply can’t say enough about the huge seafood, the sushi restaurant that opened in Thailand, and the refreshing and unctuous pineapple rice!

Songmile Packaging Thailand Group Training 5

Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, where the little ones were on a boat to see the goods on both sides and buy things on the boat. There was also a giant python to see, so interesting. All the people and things were fresh and new except for the water quality in the market river which was not so good.

Songmile Packaging Thailand Group Training 7

Thai coconuts are actually so sweet and refreshing. Split open a coconut, and there’s a Netflix show you can watch~

Crowded railway market, fruits and vegetables stinky fish and shrimp just stacked on both sides of the railway, very Indian style. Mangosteen peeled open all white and fat, big and cheap. Three hours a train came, and everyone was not panicked to close the stalls to avoid, the fall on the ground of small chilies crushed into a chopped pepper sauce, it was really a spectacle.

Songmile Packaging Thailand Group Training 9
Songmile Packaging Thailand Group Training 8

It’s not just about thenormalsights, it’s also about the famousGrand Palacein Bangkok, Thailand. No matter which way you look at it, the sun shines down on the palace, which was home to the famous 10th King of Thailand.

Songmile Packaging Thailand Group Training 10

The happy journey is underway, and the partners enjoy the different scenic landscapes ~ Next everyone has a sea trip to Koh Samui, afternoon tea at Pullman Hotel, a night show, full day free time in Pattaya, but also to Bangkok Thai Royalty Duty Free Shop, to buy a variety of duty-free goods. Enjoy a leisurely time and wide open spaces, listen to the voice from the heart, indulge in the sea, and shoot.

The sun is the guide of summer

Guiding the little ones to enjoy freedom on the journey

The scorching sun couldn’t stop the enthusiasm of everyone

See the best of summer

Experience a different kind of Thai style!

Songmile Packaging Thailand Group Training 1

Summer never stops in Thailand, and the Songmile we love is forever youthful!!!! Let’s look forward to this perfect reunion trip~

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Nûçe Post-BG

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Em ê di hundir de bersivê bidin 12 saetan, ji kerema xwe bala xwe bidin e-nameya bi paşgir "".

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Parastina Daneyên

Ji bo ku bi qanûnên parastina daneyan re tevbigerin, em ji we daxwaz dikin ku hûn xalên sereke yên di popupê de binirxînin. Ji bo berdewamkirina karanîna malpera me, hûn hewce ne ku 'Qebûl' bikirtînin & Nêzîkî'. Hûn dikarin li ser polîtîkaya nepenîtiyê ya me bêtir bixwînin. Em peymana we belge dikin û hûn dikarin bi çûna polîtîkaya nepenîtiyê û tikandina widgetê veqetînin.