Kā darbojas smidzinātājs?

A pump forces the liquid into a narrow chamber before ejecting it through a small hole in the sprayer's nozzle. This hole, or nozzle, collects the liquid to create a concentrated stream. The hydraulic pump is the only complex component in this design, but it is also very simple to build.
Miglas smidzinātājs

It contains a trigger that activates a small water pump. The pump is linked to a plastic tube that draws the cleaned liquid from the reservoir’s bottom. A pump forces the liquid into a narrow chamber before ejecting it through a small hole in the sprayer’s nozzle. This hole, or nozzle, collects the liquid to create a concentrated stream. The hydraulic pump is the only complex component in this design, but it is also very simple to build.

Its main moving component is a piston contained within a cylindrical hydraulic chamber. There is a small spring in the hydraulic chamber. To start the hydraulic pump, it must be pulled back, allowing the piston to advance into the hydraulic chamber. When the wrench is released, the piston is pushed out of the hydraulic chamber because the piston moves compress the spring. A complete pump cycle is formed by two piston strokes into and out of the hydraulic chamber.



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Plastmasas vāciņš (2)

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Plastmasas vāciņi var būt neuzkrītošākie, taču svarīgākie komponenti starp daudzajām lietām, ko mēs pērkam un lietojam ikdienā. Viņi klusi sargā pudeļu kakliņus, veic daudzas funkcijas, piemēram, produktu aizsardzību, lietošanas vienkāršība, un vides pārstrāde. Šodien, Apskatīsim šos mazos plastmasas vāciņus un to, kā tiem ir svarīga loma produktu iepakojumā.

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