
Pūķu laivu festivāls Songmile!

On Dragon Boat Festival, Ningbo Songmile Packaging Co.,Ltd., prepares a lot of festival gifts for our employees to enhance their happiness.

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Dragon Boat Festival, is a set of worship of gods and ancestors, praying for blessings to ward off evil spirits and celebrating entertainment and food as one of the folk festival. According to legend, Qu Yuan advocated the raising of the virtuous and authorizing the ability of the Lord to unite Qi against the Qin Dynasty was strongly opposed by the aristocrats Zilan and others, Qu Yuan was slandered and exiled to the Yuan and Xiang basins in 278 B.C. In 278 B.C., the Qin army broke through the Chu Kyoto, and Qu Yuan’s heart was cut to pieces when he saw that his motherland was being invaded, but he could not bear to give up his motherland, and then he jump into the Miluo River on the 5th day of the 5th month, and then the people also regarded Dragon Boat Festival as a memorial festival for Qu Yuan.


On this day every year, people usually hang wormwood, eat zongzi and race dragon boats.


Our company,Ningbo Songmile Packaging Co.,Ltd., prepares a lot of festival gifts for our employees on this festival to enhance their happiness. The gifts include fruit gift packs, household cleaning gift packs and zongzi gift packs.

Fruit Gift
Household Cleaning Gift
Zongzi Gift

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