What are the characteristics of trigger sprayer?

A plastic trigger sprayer is a spray bottle with a trigger-motion mechanism that dispenses spray. Polypropylene or high-density polyethylene is commonly used to make these sprayers (HDPE).
Strong Trigger Sprayer

Trigger sprayers are a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of tasks. They’re typically made of plastic and come in a variety of colors and styles. Many plastic sprayers are sold in bulk to save you money. A trigger sprayer includes an on/off clip and a nozzle. The nozzle allows the user to control how much product is dispensed. Some nozzles can spray, stream, or mist, while others have an off position and a twist-open cap.

A plastic trigger sprayer is a spray bottle with a trigger-motion mechanism that dispenses spray. Polypropylene or high-density polyethylene is commonly used to make these sprayers (HDPE). This material has high impact resistance as well as moisture barrier properties. These sprayers can also be configured to produce a variety of spray patterns, including fine mist, coarse spray, and jet stream.


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