He aha nga waahanga o te pounamu hau?

Ko nga waahanga o te pounamu haukore ko te anga o waho,Pereti turanga,Piston,Puma,pupuha,Ruku ngongo,Cap.

The components of an airless bottle typically include:

Outer shellThis is the main body of the bottle that holds the product.

Pereti turanga – This is the bottom of the bottle that the piston rests on.

Piston – This is the component that sits against the base plate and pushes the product up as you use it.

Puma – This is the component that creates the vacuum inside the bottle, which helps to prevent air from getting into the product.

pupuha – This is the part of the bottle that dispenses the product.

Ruku ngongo – This is the tube that extends from the pump to the bottom of the bottle, allowing the product to be dispensed.

Cap – This is the top part of the bottle that covers the nozzle and helps to keep the product fresh.


Ētahi atu whakairinga

Kapene Kirihou (2)

Ko nga Potae Kirihou nga Toa Kore i Waiatahia mo te Whakapaipai Hua?

Ko nga potae kirihou pea ko nga waahanga tino maamaa engari he mea tino nui i roto i nga tini mea e hokona ana e tatou me te whakamahi i ia ra.. Ka tiaki wahangu ratou i nga kaki o nga pounamu, he maha nga mahi penei i te tiaki hua, ngawari ki te whakamahi, me te hangarua taiao. I tenei ra, kia titiro ki enei potae kirihou iti me te whai waahi nui ki roto i te kohinga hua.

Tikina He Korero Tere

Ka whakautu matou i roto 12 haora, kia whai whakaaro koe ki te imeera me te kumara “@song-mile.com”.

Ano hoki, ka taea e koe te haere ki te Whārangi Whakapā, e whakarato ana i te ahua taipitopito ake, mena kei a koe etahi patai mo nga hua, kei te pirangi ranei koe ki te tango i tetahi otinga kapi kua whiriwhiria.

Parenga Raraunga

Kia tutuki ai nga ture tiaki raraunga, ka tono matou ki a koe ki te arotake i nga kaupapa matua o te pakūake. Hei whakamahi tonu i to maatau paetukutuku, me panui koe 'Whakaae & Katia'. Ka taea e koe te panui atu mo ta maatau kaupapa here tūmataiti. Ka tuhia e matou to whakaaetanga ka taea e koe te whakaputa ma te haere ki ta maatau kaupapa here tūmataiti me te paato i te widget.