He aha nga ahuatanga o te rehu keu-kirihou katoa?

Katoa-kirihou keu rehu, he mea hanga katoa ki te kirihou, e mea mama ratou, te waikura-ātete me te pai mo nga momo tono.
Te Keu Kirihou Katoa (3)

An all-plastic trigger sprayer typically includes the following components and characteristics:

Te Keu Kirihou Katoa 9
  • Plastic Construction: The all-plastic square gun is made entirely of plastic, including the trigger, nozzle and housing. This makes it lightweight and corrosion resistant.
  • Trigger Mechanism: The trigger mechanism is designed to be simple and easy to operate, allowing the user to comfortably pull the trigger to release the spray.
  • pupuha: The nozzle disperses the liquid into a fine mist or fine stream. The nozzle is adjustable to control the spray pattern.
  • Chemical Compatibility:All-plastic trigger sprayers are frequently built to be chemical and liquid friendly, allowing them to be used with a wide range of cleaning solutions, disinfectants, and other liquids.
  • Durability: Although made of plastic, these trigger sprayers are built to last and can withstand continuous usage and exposure to a range of chemicals without deteriorating.
  • Versatile: They can be used for a multitude of purposes, including domestic cleaning, gardening, car care, and janitorial work.
  • Easy to Maintain: Plastic trigger sprayers are frequently intended to be removed and cleaned for simple replacement.
  • Bottle Compatible: These trigger sprayers are designed to accommodate a variety of bottles by adhering to conventional bottle neck diameters.


Ētahi atu whakairinga

Kapene Kirihou (2)

Ko nga Potae Kirihou nga Toa Kore i Waiatahia mo te Whakapaipai Hua?

Ko nga potae kirihou pea ko nga waahanga tino maamaa engari he mea tino nui i roto i nga tini mea e hokona ana e tatou me te whakamahi i ia ra.. Ka tiaki wahangu ratou i nga kaki o nga pounamu, he maha nga mahi penei i te tiaki hua, ngawari ki te whakamahi, me te hangarua taiao. I tenei ra, kia titiro ki enei potae kirihou iti me te whai waahi nui ki roto i te kohinga hua.

Tikina He Korero Tere

Ka whakautu matou i roto 12 haora, kia whai whakaaro koe ki te imeera me te kumara “@song-mile.com”.

Ano hoki, ka taea e koe te haere ki te Whārangi Whakapā, e whakarato ana i te ahua taipitopito ake, mena kei a koe etahi patai mo nga hua, kei te pirangi ranei koe ki te tango i tetahi otinga kapi kua whiriwhiria.

Parenga Raraunga

Kia tutuki ai nga ture tiaki raraunga, ka tono matou ki a koe ki te arotake i nga kaupapa matua o te pakūake. Hei whakamahi tonu i to maatau paetukutuku, me panui koe 'Whakaae & Katia'. Ka taea e koe te panui atu mo ta maatau kaupapa here tūmataiti. Ka tuhia e matou to whakaaetanga ka taea e koe te whakaputa ma te haere ki ta maatau kaupapa here tūmataiti me te paato i te widget.