सॉन्गमाईल टीम बिल्डिंगच्या अविस्मरणीय आठवणी

गट 1
महामारीच्या प्रभावाखाली हिवाळा जास्त थंड असल्याचे दिसते, पण सॉन्गमाईलचे सदस्य अजूनही जीवन आणि कार्यासाठी उत्साही आहेत.

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महामारीच्या प्रभावाखाली हिवाळा जास्त थंड असल्याचे दिसते, पण सॉन्गमाईलचे सदस्य अजूनही जीवन आणि कार्यासाठी उत्साही आहेत.

In order to reward all members for their hard work the whole year, a long-expected outdoor team building activity came as scheduled. We went to camping center in Yuyao Ningbo and had a really wonderful day. Everything on that day was so perfect, warm sunshine, wide grass, beautiful sceneryThis team building makes everyone know each other better, relax and love the team more.

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We enjoyed the beauty of nature, meanwhile we did a lot of fun outdoor sports

2022 Winter Olympics held in Beijing, bringing the Curling into our sight once again. We also experienced the floor curling, we were all eager to try, chasing each other on the curling track and had a great time. What’s more, we also experienced the frisbee that young people love most nowadays. They cooperated well with each other and running happily. We can feel the young, energetic and positive characters on the Songmile team.

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Different from ordinary KTV, we chose outdoor KTV this time, which added so much to our team build trip. With charming sunshine and extensive lawn, come and sing along!

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If there is no food on team building day, it is without interest. There was not only nutritionally balanced lunch, a barbecue made by professional chefs, but also a variety of desserts and fruits. What brilliant happiness we had.

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Happy time always flied by, but memories can be cherished forever!

The outdoor team building with various activities enhanced members’ friendship, strengthened communication, and also well reflected the young, energetic and active look of team! Sincerely hope all members on Songmile can work happily and enjoy life.

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आम्ही आत प्रतिसाद देऊ 12 तास, कृपया प्रत्यय असलेल्या ईमेलकडे लक्ष द्या “@song-mile.com”.

तसेच, वर जाऊ शकता संपर्क पृष्ठ, जे अधिक तपशीलवार फॉर्म प्रदान करते, तुमच्याकडे उत्पादनांसाठी अधिक चौकशी असल्यास किंवा वाटाघाटी केलेले पॅकेजिंग समाधान मिळवायचे असल्यास.

माहिती संरक्षण

डेटा संरक्षण कायद्यांचे पालन करण्यासाठी, आम्ही तुम्हाला पॉपअपमधील मुख्य मुद्यांचे पुनरावलोकन करण्यास सांगतो. आमची वेबसाइट वापरणे सुरू ठेवण्यासाठी, तुम्हाला 'स्वीकारा' वर क्लिक करावे लागेल & बंद'. तुम्ही आमच्या गोपनीयता धोरणाबद्दल अधिक वाचू शकता. आम्ही तुमच्या कराराचे दस्तऐवजीकरण करतो आणि तुम्ही आमच्या गोपनीयता धोरणावर जाऊन विजेटवर क्लिक करून निवड रद्द करू शकता.