Color Matching Sampling

Color Matching & Sampling

We work with different partners to supply colorants for different materials and processes.


Products Design

We design new products according to customer requirements and provide open-model services.

Tooling And Custom Molding

Għodda u Molding Custom

Aħna naċċettaw għodda apposta għall-iżvilupp ta 'prodott ġdid.

Package Design

Package Design

We can provide you with the outer packing, the product, as well as the bottle body graphic design.

Matching PE PET Bottle

Matching & PE, Fliexken tal-PET

With a varied range of sizes, colors, and shapes for cosmetics, chemicals, and healthcare industries.

Metallisation & Painting

A metal layer can be applied onto the plastic-like caps or nozzles to make it looks shiny, or make it matt/frosted by painting.

Various Payment Methods

Various Payment Methods

We accept a variety of terms of payment but are not limited to T/T, L/C, T/P, convenient for customers to operate.

Agency Booking

We can help customers calculate the price of sea freight for free, and set the most affordable shipping schedule according to customer requirements.

Exhibitions 2


Our participation in different exhibitions at home and abroad is not only an opportunity for face-to-face communication with old and new customers but also a platform to showcase our latest products and solutions.

Ikseb Kwotazzjoni Mgħaġġla

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