Most frequent questions and answers

Iva. We are a trade and manufacturing company that can export goods on our own.

Our sales experts are online 24 hours a day to respond to your email within 12 hours at the earliest. When you email us your specific information, please let us know if you have a deadline.


Our facility currently occupies 10000 square meters and will be enlarged in the near future.

Whether you want to drop off or pick up a sample, discuss a project, pick up an order, or simply sayHello,” we welcome your visit.

Termini tal-kummerċ:FOB&CIF,Ċ&F etc0.Payment term:T/T30% as deposit.70% before shipping.

To be honest, jiddependi fuq il-kwantità tal-ordni u l-istaġun li tagħmel l-ordni. Normalment, il-kunsinna se tkun madwar 25-30 jiem.

Iva, all international orders are subject to a continuous minimum order quantity requirement. If you want to resell in smaller quantities, we recommend consulting with our sales experts.

The entire assembly line is examined by a professional machine.

The final product and its packaging are inspected.

Iva, we always use high-quality export packing. We also use specialized hazmat packaging for risky goods, as well as approved cold storage carriers for temperature-sensitive commodities.

There may be an additional charge for specialized packaging and non-standard packing requirements.

The cost of shipping is determined by the method of delivery you choose. Express is usually the quickest option, but it is also the most expensive. For large volumes, shipping by sea is the best option.

We can only give you an exact freight price if we know the quantity, weight, and route. Please contact us if you require any additional information.

Ikseb Kwotazzjoni Mgħaġġla

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