Avviż Dwar CNY Holiday

Is-Sena t-Tajba
Fajls tal-ħin,wasalna għall-aħħar tal-2023, ilkoll napprezzaw ħafna l-appoġġ tagħkom matul din is-sena.

Aqsam Din il-Post

Dear ,Hope everything goes well with you and your family!

We would like to thank you for your kind support all this while. Please kindly be informed that our company will be closed in observance of the Chinese traditional festival, Spring Festival.

   The following is our holiday schedule:

 Holiday time
Spring FestivalFeb.10th,2024
The officeFeb.8th,2024–Feb.17th,2024 (10jiem)
The factoryJan.30th,2023–Feb.19th,2024 (21jiem)

We will have a long holiday for our new year, especially for our factory. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Any orders will be accepted during this time but not processed until 19 February. At the same time, our delivery time will also be influenced largely. If you still want to ship goods before our holiday or the first two weeks when our office returns to work, you need to order before 6th Jan.

The above information is for your reference, you can arrange purchase orders based on these to avoid affecting.

Thanks again for your understanding and support!

Aktar Biex Tesplora

Songmile Christmas (5)

🎄 Merry Christmas from Songmile Packaging!

All the staff of Songmile Packaging sincerely wish you and your family a warm and pleasant Christmas, and may the festive joy and blessings accompany you through every warm moment!

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ibgħatilna linja u żomm kuntatt

Aħbarijiet Post-BG

Ikseb Kwotazzjoni Mgħaġġla

Aħna se nirrispondu fi ħdan 12 sigħat, jekk jogħġbok oqgħod attent għall-email bis-suffiss “@song-mile.com”.

Ukoll, tista' tmur għall- Paġna ta' Kuntatt, li jipprovdi formola aktar dettaljata, jekk għandek aktar inkjesti għall-prodotti jew tixtieq tikseb soluzzjoni ippakkjar negozjat.

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