SR-TSM-01 Trigger Sprayer Assembles Machine

  • Accurate positioning, timely selection of defective products
  • Good performance of accessories, high output of machines
  • There is a product legacy detection process to better identify problems and shorten operation time
  • When the machine is short of material, the light will flash and the fault location will be displayed
  • Touch screen, simple operation

Informazzjoni addizzjonali


Piston ball assembly machine

Product Model


Delivery Date

90 jiem

Production Capacities

110-120 pcs/min




Standard 220v, Customizable

Piston Feed Station
Piston Feed Station
Niżżel: Piston Feed Rotating Disc ↑


The piston uses the rotation of the vibrating disk to achieve feeding, and the material is smoothly transported to the piston station, and then the inspection process is carried out. After the inspection is completed, the rotating disk continues to operate, and the glass balls are transported through the pipeline and installed with the piston at the corresponding position. After the installation is completed, the rotating disk rotates again, and the finished and defective products are selected for the assembled products. After the selection process is completed, the rotating disk continues to rotate, and product inspection is carried out at the production station. If the product is not detected at the production station, the equipment will maintain normal operation; if the product is detected, the equipment will immediately trigger the error mechanism and automatically perform adjustment operations to ensure the smoothness and stability of the production process.

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Iva, kampjuni huma ħielsa. Iżda l-ispiża espressa hija fuq il-kont tax-xerrej.
Modi tat-tbaħħir: EMS, DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT, China Post, eċċ.

Iva. Aħna kummerċ u kumpanija tal-manifattura, nistgħu nesportaw l-oġġetti minna nfusna.

Spezzjona sħiħa fuq il-linja tal-immuntar b'magna professjonali.
Spezzjoni tal-prodott lest u tal-ippakkjar.

Termini tal-kummerċ: FOB &CIF ,Ċ&F eċċ. Terminu tal-ħlas : T/T , 30% bħala depożitu, 70% qabel it-tbaħħir.Prodott lest u spezzjoni tal-ippakkjar.

Onestament, jiddependi fuq il-kwantità tal-ordni u l-istaġun li tagħmel l-ordni. Normalment, il-kunsinna se tkun madwar 30-35 jiem.

Għandna tim ta 'żvilupp b'disinjaturi eċċellenti li se jiddisinjaw prodotti ġodda skont id-domanda tal-klijent.

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Inkjesta: SR-TSM-01 Trigger Sprayer Assembles Machine

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