How to Use Essential Oil Bottles

How to use and clean the essential oil bottles.
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Essential oil bottles are widely used in life and are also very common. But there are also many people who don’t know how to open the essential oil bottle. Below, I will tell you how to open the essential oil bottle and how to use the essential oil bottle.

The use of essential oil bottles is as follows:

  1. Open the essential oil bottle method: Because the safety switch is used, it is dangerous to prevent the child from opening it by itself. Please press down on the cap and then open the lid; when the lid is closed, the lid can be directly locked, which is the design of the essential oil.
  2. Put the small funnel in the bottle’s mouth before use, then pour in the favorite essential oil for about 6 minutes. You can also use 2 or 3 different essential oils to mix and pour into the incense bottle. There are different moods.
  3. Then place the core thread in the bottle. After 20 minutes, the vaporized essential oil completely penetrates the core and the core, before proceeding to the next step. Because it protects the core and facilitates the ignition of the core.
  4. After 20 minutes, use a lighter or a match to ignite the core. Remember to place the incense bottle of vaporized essential oil in a safe and stable place, and place the previous vaporized essential oil bottle farther away from the ignition before ignition. A place to avoid danger after touching.
  5. When the flame is ignited, the flame will become larger from small to small, so please do not touch it to avoid burns. At this point, after the flame is burned for 5 minutes, the vaporized essential oil in the aroma lamp is completely vaporized, so that the subsequent fragrance diffuses.
Blog picture-How to Use Essential Oil Bottles

How to clean the essential oil bottle:

Skritt 1: After the essential oil is used up, use a piece of paper with good water absorption to put it on the bottle mouth, and let the bottle stand upside down for about a day. The remaining oil inside will also flow down.

Skritt 2:Wipe the inside of the bottle with a pair of tweezers and then attach the blotting paper. Once again, and then wipe it again with the toilet paper, you can basically wipe off the surface.

Skritt 3: Wash the water with detergent, then pour it into the bottle, cover the bottle and shake it, then place it for about 15 minutes, pour it off, then add it again, after 3 times, rinse with water.

Skritt 4: After wiping the inner wall of the bottle with a paper towel, open the lid and put it in a window or a ventilated place to ventilate it. If it is urgent, you can blow it directly with a hairdryer, not too hot.


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