Ndingasankhire bwanji chotsukira m'manja chondithandizira?

ndikofunikira kusankha chotsukira m'manja chomwe chikugwirizana ndi inu komanso chomwe chimakupangitsani kukhala osangalala. Don't be deceived by the price or packaging; fungo lake ndi lokhazikika.
Botolo Lopaka Pampu Losamba Pamanja (2)
  • Know your skin type and choose moisturising hand sanitisers for dry skin, non-greasy hand sanitisers for oily skin, and fragrance-free, low irritation hand sanitisers for sensitive skin.
  • Concentrate on the cleansing chemicals in hand sanitizersSelect soap ingredients with strong cleansing properties, such as vegetable saponins and sodium fatty acids. Avoid using strong synthetic detergents.
Botolo Lopaka Pampu Losamba Pamanja 1

  • Check the product’s pHhand sanitizers with a pH close to neutral are gentler on the skin. Typically, a range of 5.5-7 is desirable.
  • Choose hand sanitizers that contain hand care chemicals such as alanine, glycolic acid, sodium pantothenate, and others that can assist to moisturize the skin while cleansing.
Botolo Lopaka Pampu Losamba Pamanja 1

  • To avoid contact allergies that might cause skin irritation on the hands, choose fragrance-free or naturally flavored hand sanitizers.
  • Avoid using antibacterial or antiseptic hand sanitizers for an extended period of time since they can be quite irritating to the skin. Use only when absolutely necessary.
pompa lotion
  • Reasonable pricesBoth high and cheap prices do not always indicate a good product.
  • Choose a high-volume, reputable brand to ensure quality and safety.
Botolo Lopaka Pampu Losamba Pamanja 2

Overall, ndikofunikira kusankha chotsukira m'manja chomwe chikugwirizana ndi inu komanso chomwe chimakupangitsani kukhala osangalala. Musanyengedwe ndi mtengo kapena phukusi; fungo lake ndi lokhazikika.


Zambiri Zolemba

Purple Trigger Sprayer

Why Are Trigger Sprayers Essential for Every Cleaning Arsenal?

Trigger sprayers have become essential tools in both residential and commercial cleaning, providing unparalleled ease and adaptability. Our trigger sprayers, which come in sizes 28/400, 28/410, and 28/415, are comprised of sturdy polypropylene (PP), allowing them to survive regular usage without affecting performance.

Zithunzi za Disc Top Cap

Kodi kapu ya disc ndi chiyani?

Makapu apamwamba a disc ndi otchuka chifukwa amaphatikiza magwiridwe antchito komanso kugwiritsa ntchito mosavuta, kuwapanga kukhala chisankho chabwino pamapaketi ogula.

Pezani Mawu Mwachangu

Tiyankha mkati 12 maola, chonde tcherani khutu ku imelo yomwe ili ndi suffix "@song-mile.com".

Komanso, mukhoza kupita ku Contact Tsamba, yomwe imapereka mawonekedwe atsatanetsatane, ngati muli ndi mafunso ambiri pazamankhwala kapena mukufuna kupeza yankho la phukusi lomwe mwakambirana.

Chitetezo cha Data

Pofuna kutsatira malamulo oteteza deta, tikukupemphani kuti muwunikenso mfundo zazikuluzikulu zomwe zili m'nkhani yoyambira. Kuti mupitilize kugwiritsa ntchito tsamba lathu, muyenera dinani 'Landirani & Close'. Mutha kuwerenga zambiri zachinsinsi chathu. Timalemba mgwirizano wanu ndipo mutha kutuluka mwa kupita ku mfundo zathu zachinsinsi ndikudina widget.