Kutengerani kuti mumvetsetse kupanga ndi kupanga mabotolo agalasi

Natural elements are used to create glass. Quartz sand is the primary component. Soda reduces the melting point of sand. Lime hardens, shines, and protects glass.

Natural elements are used to create glass. Quartz sand is the primary component. Soda reduces the melting point of sand. Lime hardens, shines, and protects glass.

Raw Material

Quartz sand,lime,sodium carbonate,dolomite,feldspar

Raw Mateial


The furnace raises the temperature of the mixture to 1,580° Celsius. The primary raw materials and used glass melt. Natural gas is used to generate the heat required for the glass manufacturing process.


Shape Up

The molten glass is constantly changing. Warm, gleaming glass drops are cut off, directed into a gutter, and fed into a pre-mould. Compressed air gives the glass container its final shape in the final mould.

Shape Up


The red-hot glass jars and bottles are gradually cooled in the cooling oven to release any tension in the material. After that, the surface is treated to prevent scratches.



At the cold end of our glass production, we strictly test product quality


Package Delivery

Glass containers are lined up on pallets and wrapped in film in a fully automated process. They proceed to the finished goods warehouse or directly to dispatch from here.

Package Delivery


Zambiri Zolemba

Kapu pulasitiki (2)

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Zikopa zapulasitiki zimatha kukhala zinthu zotsutsa kwambiri pakati pa zinthu zambiri zomwe timagula ndikugwiritsa ntchito tsiku lililonse. Amasunga mwakachetechete mabotolo, kuchita ntchito zambiri monga kutetezedwa ndi malonda, mosavuta kugwiritsa ntchito, ndi kubwezeretsa zachilengedwe. Lero, Tiyeni tiwone zigamba zazing'ono zapulasitiki ndi momwe amasewera gawo lofunikira mu phukusi lazinthu.

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Chitetezo cha Data

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