Wprowadzenie technologii wtórnego przetwarzania produktów pompowych

5 types of secondary processing technology of pump products.
Image-Introduction of Secondary Processing Technology of Pump Products

With the improvement of people’s living standards, the requirements of consumers are also constantly improving. They not only require more practicality and convenience but also have higher requirements for external appearance. Cosmetics manufacturers are also working hard on the aesthetics of packaging in order to attract consumersattention.

With the continuous subdivision of industrial production, new processes and new materials continue to emerge, and the design effects applied in actual products are also changing with each passing day. In order to enhance the value of products and attract consumersattention; plastic surfaces need to be decorated (secondary processing). ), so as to carry out spraying, screen printing, labeling, hot stamping, electroplating, water transfer printing, and other processes on the plastic surface to achieve beautiful effects.

01. Spray painting

Make the product achieve the metal appearance and various color effects, and cover up the defects of the plastic shell surface.

Definition of spray painting: It is to spray paint on the surface or inner surface of the plastic.

02. Silk screen printing

Each commodity in circulation needs to indicate the production date, shelf life, and other relevant information. With the changes in the market, consumers are bored with a single screen printing color, and then multi-color and multiple screen printing such as secondary and tertiary appear to enhance consumersattention.

Definition of silk screen printing: The principle of screen printing is the process in which ink penetrates into the printed object through the screen mesh, and the required text is printed on a specific position on the surface of the plastic product.

03. Labeling

In order to save costs, and if you want the products to have patterns specified by customers such as flowers, grass, trees, animals, itp., you can choose to label them.

Labeling definition: Labels generally belong to self-adhesive materials, this method is also called the synchronous labeling method. When labeling, when the front edge of the label is attached to the package, it is done by a labeling machine.

04. Bronzing

Make the plastic surface have a wood grain or metal feel, and achieve the effect of replacing wood with plastic and metal with plastic.

Definition of bronzing: bronzing is to use the principle of hot-pressing transfer to cover the metal part of the bronzing paper on the surface of the product at a high temperature through a bronzing machine so that the surface has metal characteristics.

05. Electroplating

Through this process, some metallic color effects, such as high gloss, matte, itp., can be obtained, and different effects constitute the difference in the effect of the product. This process adds a bright spot to the design of the product.

Definition of electroplating: Electroplating is the process of depositing metal or alloy on the surface of the workpiece by electrolysis to form a uniform, dense and well-bonded metal layer, which is called electroplating. A simple understanding is a change or combination of physics and chemistry.

06. Water transfer printing

This technology can overprint irregularities in multiple colors. Color patterns can be coated on workpieces of any shape to solve the difficulty of printing three-dimensional products for manufacturers. Surface coating can also add different patterns on the surface of the product, such as leather grain, wood grain, pattern, emerald grain, and marble grain.

Definition of water transfer printing: Water transfer printing technology is a kind of printing that uses water pressure to perform polymer hydrolysis on transfer paper or plastic film with color patterns.

With the development of society, it is believed that more secondary processing techniques will emerge to bring consumers a good visual effect and quality of use.


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Plastikowa czapka (2)

Czy plastikowe nakrętki są niedocenianymi bohaterami opakowań produktów??

Plastikowe nakładki mogą być najbardziej niepozornym, a jednocześnie krytycznym elementem spośród wielu rzeczy, które kupujemy i używamy na co dzień. W milczeniu strzegą szyjek butelek, pełniąc liczne funkcje, takie jak ochrona produktu, łatwość użycia, i recykling środowiskowy. Dzisiaj, przyjrzyjmy się tym małym plastikowym nakrętkom i ich ważnej roli w opakowaniu produktu.

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