How different caps convenient for our life?

Different caps has its own merits, both of them convenient for our live. And three types of our main products are very beautiful.

For all the bottles and jars nowadays, there must be a cap to go with it or else it will not work properly. In earlier times, most of the time, the containers that people used to hold things were closed with a bag, which was very inconvenient. Later on, when caps were invented, people could easily close a container.

There are many styles of caps, and our company has three main types. The first one, the Screw Cap, which is the most common cap, is used by turning open in one direction or turning close in the other.


The second one, the Flip Top Cap, is easy to use compared to the previous one, you just need to flip a small cover on the top.

فلپ ٽاپ ڪيپ

The third, the Disc Top Cap, is the easiest, with the cap opening or closing controlled by pressing.

Disc Top Cap

Overall, each of these caps has its own merits, for more information, please click:

حصيداري ڪريو:

وڌيڪ پوسٽون

Purple Trigger Sprayer

Why Are Trigger Sprayers Essential for Every Cleaning Arsenal?

Trigger sprayers have become essential tools in both residential and commercial cleaning, providing unparalleled ease and adaptability. Our trigger sprayers, which come in sizes 28/400, 28/410, and 28/415, are comprised of sturdy polypropylene (PP), allowing them to survive regular usage without affecting performance.

Disc Top Cap

What’s the disc top cap?

Disc top caps are popular because they combine functionality and ease of use, making them an ideal choice for consumer packaging.

هڪ تڪڙو اقتباس حاصل ڪريو

اسان اندر جواب ڏينداسين 12 ڪلاڪ, مهرباني ڪري لاتعداد سان اي ميل ڏانهن ڌيان ڏيو "".

پڻ, توهان ڏانهن وڃي سگهو ٿا رابطو صفحو, جيڪو وڌيڪ تفصيلي فارم مهيا ڪري ٿو, جيڪڏهن توهان وٽ پراڊڪٽس لاءِ وڌيڪ پڇا ڳاڇا آهن يا هڪ پيڪنگنگ حل حاصل ڪرڻ چاهيو ٿا ڳالهين سان.

ڊيٽا جي حفاظت

ڊيٽا تحفظ جي قانونن جي تعميل ڪرڻ لاء, اسان توهان کان پڇون ٿا ته پاپ اپ ۾ اهم نقطن جو جائزو وٺو. اسان جي ويب سائيٽ استعمال ڪرڻ جاري رکڻ لاء, توھان کي ڪلڪ ڪرڻ جي ضرورت آھي 'قبول ڪريو & بند ڪريو. توهان اسان جي رازداري پاليسي بابت وڌيڪ پڙهي سگهو ٿا. اسان توهان جي معاهدي کي دستاويز ڪريون ٿا ۽ توهان ٻاهر نڪري سگهو ٿا اسان جي رازداري پاليسي ڏانهن وڃڻ ۽ ويجٽ تي ڪلڪ ڪندي.