SR-LPM-02 Lotion Pump Assembly Machine

  • Accurate positioning, timely selection of defective products
  • Multi-station installation to improve production efficiency
  • There is a product legacy detection process to better identify problems and shorten operation time
  • When the machine is short of material, the light will flash and the fault location will be displayed
  • Touch screen, simple operation

Mamwe mashoko

Product Model


Delivery Date

90 mazuva

Production Capacities

100-110 pcs/min




Standard 220v, Customizable

Download: Lotion Pump Pump Core Assembly Machine Main ↑


The gasket and pump body are fed by the rotating disk, accurately arrive at the corresponding station for assembly, and then tested. After completing this process, the turntable continues to rotate, and the glass ball is fed and tested. Then, the turntable rotates again to test the spring feeding. During this process, if defective products are detected, they will automatically enter the defective box; if there are no problems, the rotating disk continues to rotate to the next station. Subsequently, the piston assembly is fed and tested, and the turntable rotates again to test the connection cover feeding. After completing the feeding test, defective products are selected for the finished product. After that, the rotating disk continues to rotate and the product is tested at the output station. If there is no product at the station, the equipment remains in operation; if a product is detected, the equipment immediately reports an error and automatically adjusts.

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Ehe, samples dzakasununguka. Asi mutengo wekutaura uri paaccount yemutengi.
Nzira dzekutumira: EMS, DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT, China Post, etc.

Ehe. Isu tiri kutengesa uye kugadzira kambani, tinogona kutumira zvinhu kunze isu pachedu.

Ongorora yakazara pamutsetse wekuunganidza nemuchina wehunyanzvi.
Kupedzwa kwechigadzirwa uye kurongedza kwekuongorora.

Trade terms: FOB &CIF ,C&F nezvimwe. Nguva yekubhadhara : T/T , 30% sedhipoziti, 70% isati yatumirwa.Kupedzwa kwechigadzirwa uye kuongorora kwekuputira.

Honestly, zvinoenderana nehuwandu hwekuraira uye mwaka waunoisa kurongeka. Kazhinji, kuendesa kunenge kuri pedyo 30-35 mazuva.

Tine timu yekusimudzira ine vagadziri vakanaka vanogadzira zvigadzirwa zvitsva zvinoenderana nezvinodiwa nevatengi.

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Inquiry: SR-LPM-02 Lotion Pump Assembly Machine

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