What are the most popular types of plastic nozzle materials?

ABS plastic is an acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer that is chemically resistant, strong, and easy to mold.PP plastic - polypropylene, acid and alkali resistance, and a wide temperature range. Zvisinei, the power is slightly lower.
Trigger Sprayer Pump (1)
  1. ABS plastic is an acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer that is chemically resistant, strong, and easy to mold.
  2. PP plasticpolypropylene, acid and alkali resistance, and a wide temperature range. Zvisinei, the power is slightly lower.
  3. POM plastic is polyoxymethylene with high durability and a low coefficient of friction.
  4. PVC plasticpolyvinyl chlorideis resistant to corrosion but not to high temperatures.
  5. PET plasticpolyethylene terephthalatehas a high hardness, resistance to corrosion, and other properties.
  6. PTFE plasticpolytetrafluoroethylenehas excellent chemical stability, high temperature, and corrosion resistance.
  7. Polyurethane material with great strength and toughness but low solvent resistance.
  8. PC plasticpolycarbonate with a high gloss and mechanical robustness.
  9. PEEK materialpolyether ether ketonehas a high temperature and corrosion resistance but is more expensive.


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Trigger sprayers ave maturusi akakosha mune zvese zvekugara uye zvekutengesa zvekuchenesa, kupa kusununguka kusingaenzaniswi uye kugadzirisa. Mapiritsi edu emagetsi, izvo zvinouya muhukuru 28/400, 28/410, uye 28/415, inoumbwa ne polypropylene yakasimba (PP), kuvabvumira kurarama nekushandiswa nguva dzose pasina kukanganisa kushanda.

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