Ndedzipi mhando dzemavharo?

Mamwe marudzi akajairika maScrew-on lids,Snap-on lids,Flip-top lids,Pombi zvivharo,Cork lids,Twist-off lids uye Press-and-seal lids.
Plastic Lids

There are many types of lids. Some common types are:

  1. Screw-on lids: These are the most common type of lid, with threads on the inside of the lid that screw onto the container.
  2. Snap-on lids: These are lids that snap onto the container, typically with plastic tabs that click into place.
  3. Flip-top lids: These are lids that have a hinge and a flip-up mechanism that allows you to open and close the lid easily.
  4. Pombi zvivharo: These are lids that have a pump mechanism, used to dispense liquids like soap or shampoo.
  5. Cork lids: These are lids made of natural cork that fit snugly into the neck of a bottle.
  6. Twist-off lids: These are lids that twist off easily, often used for products like jars of jam or pickles.
  7. Press-and-seal lids: These are lids that can be pressed onto the container and form a tight seal, keeping the contents fresh.


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