Ndeipi nzira yakakodzera yekushandisa isina moto aromatherapy diffuser?

Sarudza yakachengeteka, nzvimbo yakagadzikana kure nekupisa. Kuti udzivise mineral buildup, shandisa mvura yakacheneswa/yakasefa. 5-15 madonhwe emafuta pane saizi yedhamu anokurudzirwa. Usasangana zvakananga nemafuta akaomeswa. Mhanyai diffuser ye 30 maminitsi kuti 2 maawa asati azadzisa. Mold inogona kudziviswa nokuchenesa nguva dzose. Kuti udzivise desensitization, kutora zororo remunhuhwi.
Reed Diffuser Bhodhoro

Choose a suitable place. Place the diffuser on a level, stable surface away from anything that could be harmed by moisture. Make certain that it is out of reach of youngsters and dogs. Avoid placing near heat sources, as this can cause the perfume to change.

Use filtered or purified water. Mineral deposits in the diffuser may form if you use tap water. If feasible, use distilled, demineralized, or filtered water.

Depending on the size of your diffuser’s reservoir, add 5-15 droplets of essential oil. More than the recommended amount will not make it smell stronger and may reduce runtime. Begin with fewer drops and gradually increase to taste.

Because concentrated oils can irritate skin, avoid touching the oil directly. When adding them, use a toothpick or a pipette.

Diffusers should be run for 30 maminitsi kuti 2 hours at a time. To avoid harm, most automatically shut off when they run out of water. When beginning, refill with clean water and add more drops of oil.

To avoid mold formation, clean on a regular basis. Wipe off the outside surfaces and descale or clean the reservoir and ultrasonic membrane according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Take regular breaks from operating the diffuser to give your sense of scent a rest. This keeps you from becoming accustomed to the aroma.


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