Naon tutup luhur disc?
Caps top disc populér sabab ngagabungkeun fungsionalitas jeung betah pamakéan, ngajadikeun aranjeunna pilihan idéal pikeun bungkusan konsumen.
Caps top disc populér sabab ngagabungkeun fungsionalitas jeung betah pamakéan, ngajadikeun aranjeunna pilihan idéal pikeun bungkusan konsumen.
Graduated droppers work by creating a partial vacuum above the glass or plastic tube. Releasing the vacuum draws the liquid in or dispenses it.
The water transfer printing process is a kind of printing that uses water as the dissolving medium to transfer the image and text to the transfer paper and transfer film with color patterns.
PET raw material is a milky white or light yellow highly crystalline polymer with a smooth and shiny surface.
The lotion pump, also known as the push-type lotion pump, is a liquid dispenser that uses the principle of atmospheric balance to pump out the liquid in the bottle by pressing, and replenish the external atmosphere into the bottle.
Know about the history and process of injection blow molding.
Development status of vacuum pump distribution system, advantages and applications, classification and structure.
Foam pump is a pump product that presses the contents out together with air to form foam.
Let’s know about the basic knowledge of plastic bottle caps.
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