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Foam pump is a pump product that presses the contents out together with air to form foam.
01 Songmile packaging foam pump
Definition of foam pump

Foam pump is a pump product that presses the contents out together with air to form foam. Commonly used in product packaging such as hand sanitizer and cleaning agent.

01 Songmile packaging foam pump
The development history of foam pumps

Before the invention of the foam pump, aerosol-type products were usually used to spray foam, that is, the use of liquefied gas to expand the spray to form foam, or the use of post-foaming agent to make the sprayed colloid form foam. The first real daily foam pump was the finger pump foamer (finger pump foamer) launched in 1995 by the Dutch Airspray company.

02 Songmile packaging foam pump

The characteristic of this type of finger pressure foam pump is that its body is composed of two parts: air pump and liquid pump. The liquid is sprayed out after being fully mixed with air in the pump body. The spray volume is stable, the operation is simple, and it is not subject to consumer use. Influence, the quality of the foam sprayed is good.

Compared with foam aerosol products, Shiatsu foam pumps have several obvious advantages: First, there is no need to fill propellant, so it will not pollute the environment, and there is no risk of flammability and explosion, and there is no need for metal containers and Sealing and filling equipment is low cost and can be used repeatedly; secondly, most of the liquid formulas of acupressure foam pumps are water-based, which are non-volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in nature and have more promotional value; thirdly, they can be used Containers of various shapes, including square, triangle, oval, jsb., in addition, there is no pressure in the container before use, and the material requirements of the container are relatively large.

03 Songmile packaging foam pump

In the late 1990s, the development of acupressure foam pumps rose in China. Because the structure principle of the acupressure foam pump is similar to that of ordinary plastic pump heads, some manufacturers who originally engaged in plastic pump heads first intervened in the product development of acupressure foam pumps. After more than ten years of experience accumulation, related product technology and production capacity Both have been greatly improved. Although some domestic manufacturers of acupressure foam pumps have made considerable progress, there is still room for improvement in product stability and production yield, and companies generally have insufficient investment in research and development, and cannot keep up with professional theoretical knowledge and technological innovation. The single product variety, severe industry competition, and the lack of core patents also prevent the product from entering the international market, which are unfavorable for the long-term development of the industry.

04 Songmile packaging foam pump

Compared with domestic counterparts, foreign counterparts have made continuous progress in technological innovation. Starting from the earliest first-generation acupressure foam pumps, various appearance and structure innovations are relatively large, and each company has formed its own core technology. Among them, Korean and Japanese companies have caught up in the daily chemical packaging industry. The trend of European and American counterparts.

Application of foam pump

After the introduction of the acupressure foam pump, it has won the favor of daily chemical brand manufacturers and achieved rapid market growth. It has been widely used in personal care, beberesih rumah tangga, automotive supplies, pet supplies and other industries.

05 Songmile packaging foam pump

Ayeuna, the most widely used domestic finger pressure foam pump is in the hand sanitizer industry. In 2002, Valus took the lead in launching magic foam hand sanitizer in the domestic market, becoming the first domestic brand manufacturer to launch foam hand sanitizer products. After the launch of Magic Foam Hand Sanitizer, it has been fully recognized by consumers due to its practicality, convenience and simplicity, beautiful packaging and effective reduction of secondary cross-infection. After seeing the huge market potential of foam hand sanitizer, other daily chemical brand manufacturers have launched their own foam hand sanitizer products.

Foam pump product structure description

From the internal structure of the product, the finger pressure foam pump is mainly divided into the following five parts:

Actuation part: The function is to transfer the force to other parts inside the product by pressing the head, and realize the process of down-pressure rebound circulation and liquid discharge of the foam pump through the spring. According to the shape of the head, it can be designed into different shapes and colors according to the needs (as shown in the picture above).

Liquid storage cavity: The function is to squeeze out the liquid in the liquid storage cavity during the process of pressing the head down, and suck the liquid in the bottle into the liquid storage cavity when the head rebounds; in addition, the built-in spring in the liquid storage cavity plays a rebound role.

Air storage cavity: similar to the liquid storage cavity, except that air is sucked and extruded in the air storage cavity.

Suction tube part: the connection part between the liquid in the bottle and the whole pump, and the channel through which the liquid enters the liquid storage cavity to ensure that the liquid in the bottle can be ejected quickly and reduce the residual amount of liquid.

Gas-liquid mixing chamber: when the head is pressed down, the liquid and air in the liquid-storing chamber and the air-storing chamber are fully mixed and pressurized in the gas-liquid mixing chamber, and fine foam is formed through the dense mesh of the air-flow mixing chamber.

The working principle of foam pumps seen in the market is basically the same. Compared with traditional pumps, the structure of the entire acupressure foam pump is more complex and has an additional air storage chamber. The pump is the core part of the whole product work, which determines the size of the liquid output, the foam effect and the degree of stability.


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