It contains a trigger that activates a small water pump. The pump is linked to a plastic tube that draws the cleaned liquid from the reservoir’s bottom. Pompa maksakeun cairan kana kamar anu sempit sateuacan ngaluarkeunana ngaliwatan liang leutik dina nozzle sprayer.. liang ieu, atawa nozzle, ngumpulkeun cairan pikeun nyieun aliran kentel. Pompa hidrolik mangrupikeun hiji-hijina komponén kompléks dina desain ieu, tapi ogé basajan pisan ngawangun.
Its main moving component is a piston contained within a cylindrical hydraulic chamber. There is a small spring in the hydraulic chamber. To start the hydraulic pump, it must be pulled back, allowing the piston to advance into the hydraulic chamber. When the wrench is released, the piston is pushed out of the hydraulic chamber because the piston moves compress the spring. A complete pump cycle is formed by two piston strokes into and out of the hydraulic chamber.