Ningbo Songmile Packaging Co., Ltd. Éta ngagaduhan dua perjalanan ngawangun tim sataun, which is the company’s corporate culture, nu geus lumangsung pikeun 6 taun.
The travel of this year is Xinjiang, the most extensive region in China, which is a multi-ethnic autonomous region famous for its rich natural and cultural landscapes. With the world’s second highest peak at 8,600m and the lowest depression in China at 154m below sea level, there are over 1,000 famous sights to see in Xinjiang. So do not hesitate to follow us on our Xinjiang Tour!
To start with, we took off from Ningbo, flied over 4000km and landed in Urumqi. And during this wonderful trip, we have driven for 6000km within 8 days and totally immersed ourselves in the beautiful scenery all along the road, from Kanas to the end of the Dokku Highway (the full route was as follows: Kanas, Hemu, Sayram Lake, Yili Narathi Grassland, Padang Runtah Bayanbulak, Jalan Raya Dokku).
Tempat anu paling teu hilap pikeun kuring nyaéta Kanas,Tasik Kansas nyaeta puncak salju Lake Kanas, nangtung dina lamping héjo jeung murin, kalawan situ geulis tur gunung. Ieu katelah “fairyland di bumi jeung taman Allah”.
Salaku anggota tina “Ningbo Top Foodies Grup”, taya sahijieun urang teu bisa nolak godaan dahareun Xinjiang. Masing-masing sahijina ngagoda selera urang pisan, kayaning manggang sakabeh domba, roti bakar boneka, Xinjiang pilaf, naan, sate kambing, mie ditarik, és krim handmade jeung yoghurt jeung delicacies séjén.