SR-TSM-02 Trigger Sprayer Assembles Machine

  • Accurate positioning, timely selection of defective products
  • Good performance of accessories, high output of machines
  • There is a product legacy detection process to better identify problems and shorten operation time
  • When the machine is short of material, the light will flash and the fault location will be displayed
  • Touch screen, simple operation

Inpormasi Tambahan


Assemble the positioning seat and gasket of the trigger sprayer

Product Model


Delivery Date

90 poé

Production Capacities

110-120 pcs/min




Standard 220v, Customizable

Positioning Seat Station
Positioning Seat Station
Ngundeur: Gasket And Locating Seat Assembly Machine ↑


The positioning seat relies on the rotation of the vibration plate to achieve feeding, and is accurately transported to the positioning seat station. Then the inspection work is quickly carried out to strictly control the quality. After the inspection is completed, the rotating plate continues to operate smoothly, and the gasket enters the corresponding station with the help of its own vibration plate. At this station, the gasket and the positioning seat are accurately installed. After the installation process is completed, the rotating plate rotates again, and the selection process of finished products and defective products is started for the assembled products to ensure that the product quality meets the standards. After the selection process is completed, the rotating plate continues to rotate and the product is inspected at the production station. If the product is not detected at the production station, the equipment will maintain the established normal operation state; if the product is detected, the equipment will trigger the error reporting mechanism at the first time and automatically perform adjustment operations to ensure that the entire production process can run continuously, stably and efficiently.

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