Eaha te tapo'i o te pehe ?
Mea au roa na te taata te mau hoho'a i nia i te mau taupoo no te mea e anoi ratou i te tere - maitai - raa e te ohie ia faaohipa, te faariroraa ia ratou ei maitiraa maitai roa no te hoo mai i te tao'a.
Mea au roa na te taata te mau hoho'a i nia i te mau taupoo no te mea e anoi ratou i te tere - maitai - raa e te ohie ia faaohipa, te faariroraa ia ratou ei maitiraa maitai roa no te hoo mai i te tao'a.
Te rave nei te feia faatuitehia i te ohipa na roto i te hamaniraa i te hoê tuhaa o te aore i nia ' ' e i te hi'o aore ra te tuio uraina. E huti mai te iritiraa i te aore i te pape i roto aore ra e horoa ' tu i te reira.
The water transfer printing process is a kind of printing that uses water as the dissolving medium to transfer the image and text to the transfer paper and transfer film with color patterns.
TE MAU tao'a hamanihia e te uouo, o te hoê ïa tao'a uouo uouo aore ra rearea rearea anaana maitai e te hoê vahi manina e te anaana.
The lotion pump, also known as the push-type lotion pump, is a liquid dispenser that uses the principle of atmospheric balance to pump out the liquid in the bottle by pressing, and replenish the external atmosphere into the bottle.
Ia ite outou i te aamu e te tereraa o te patia arai.
Development status of vacuum pump distribution system, advantages and applications, classification and structure.
Foam pump is a pump product that presses the contents out together with air to form foam.
Let’s know about the basic knowledge of plastic bottle caps.
E pahono tatou i roto 12 mau hora, a haapa'o maitai i te rata uira e te ta'o "@song-mile.com ".
Oia'toa, e nehenehe ta oe e haere i te Api no ni'a i te farereiraa, na te reira e horo'a mai i te hoê parau papû a'e, mai te mea e, e rave rahi atu â ta outou mau titauraa no te mau tao'a e aore râ te hinaaro nei outou e farii i te hoê faaauraa no te tahi atu mau rave'a.
No te haapa'o i te mau ture no te parururaa, te ani atu nei matou ia outou ia hi'opoa faahou i te mau mana'o faufaa i roto i te popup. No te tamau noa i te faaohipa i ta tatou tahua itenati, e mea ti'a ia outou ia pata 'Accept' & Tapiri'. E nehenehe outou e taio hau atu â no nia i ta matou huru raveraa no nia i to matou iho huru oraraa. Te faaau nei matou i ta outou parau faaau e e nehenehe ta outou e ma'iti na roto i te haereraa i ta tatou iho ture no te oraraa omo'e e te pataraa i ni'a i te widget.