Eaha te huru tao'a e faaohipa ra i te mau mohina uraina?

E tauturu te puohu mohina mohina i te pape ia tapea i to ratou faanahoraa e to ratou au - maite - raa a vaiiho noa ' i i te mau tao'a ohie e te hi'opoa - maitai - hia. E faaohipa - pinepine - hia teie huru mohina i roto i te mau vahi tamâraa, Te mau nota, Te mau nota, e te tahi atu mau mea i hamanihia i te roro uira.
Foam Pump (1)

Shampoos and conditionersPlastic foam bottles are lightweight and allow for easy product dispensing. These bottles are used by many shampoo and conditioner manufacturers.

Hand soaps and body washesFoam bottles assist dispense the proper quantity of soap while keeping the mixture foamy. Foam bottles are frequently used by hand soap brands such as Softsoap.

Dish and hand soapsCompanies such as Dawn and Ajax use plastic foam bottles for dish soaps to quickly dispense soap while maintaining foam consistency.

Foam bottles are ideal for spray cleaners and other cleaning formulations that require a foamy consistency. They are used by companies such as Scrubbing Bubbles and Fantastik.

Foam Pump 2
Foam Pump 2

Infant wash and shampooGentle infant bath products are frequently packed in foam bottles that allow for precise distribution.

Shaving creams and gelsMany shave creams and gels employ plastic foam bottles to create a rich, foam-based recipe.

To summarize, plastic foam bottle packaging helps liquid products retain their frothy structure and consistency while allowing for easy and controlled dispensing. E faaohipa - pinepine - hia teie huru mohina i roto i te mau vahi tamâraa, Te mau nota, Te mau nota, e te tahi atu mau mea i hamanihia i te roro uira.


Te tahi atu â mau mea i ni'a

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa (2)

Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai.?

Peneia'e o te mau taupoo ura te mau tuhaa rahi roa ' ' e e te faufaa roa ' ' e râ i rotopu i te mau mea e rave rahi ta tatou e hoo mai e e faaohipa i te mau mahana atoa. E paruru ratou ma te mamû noa i te a'î o te mau mohina, raveraa i te mau ohipa e rave rahi mai te parururaa i te mau tauihaa, faaohieraa i te faaohiparaa, e te faaapîraa i te mau mea e haaati ra ia tatou. I teie mahana, e hi'o ana'e na tatou i teie mau taupoo uraina na'ina'i e e mea nahea ratou ia ha'uti i te hoê tuhaa faufaa i roto i te puohu tao'a.

Te mau ha'utiraa moni 1 (16)

Te ere ra anei to outou iri i te ravea no te faaohipa i te mau tutavaraa ore?

Ua hi'opo'a teie mau pâmu i te faito o te mau haamau'araa, faati'araa i te hoê faaohiparaa ti'a ma te ore e nehenehe e haamau'a i te hoê tao'a, o te hoê ïa riri matauhia o te hoê taata hoo tao'a. A hi'o na i te ohie o te hoê pâmu o te horoa i te faito tano roa o te û paari aore ra o te pata i nia i te matini neneiraa tataitahi!

A farii i te hoê faahitiraa vitiviti

E pahono tatou i roto 12 mau hora, a haapa'o maitai i te rata uira e te ta'o "@song-mile.com ".

Oia'toa, e nehenehe ta oe e haere i te Api no ni'a i te farereiraa, na te reira e horo'a mai i te hoê parau papû a'e, mai te mea e, e rave rahi atu â ta outou mau titauraa no te mau tao'a e aore râ te hinaaro nei outou e farii i te hoê faaauraa no te tahi atu mau rave'a.

Parururaa i te mau itepiri

No te haapa'o i te mau ture no te parururaa, te ani atu nei matou ia outou ia hi'opoa faahou i te mau mana'o faufaa i roto i te popup. No te tamau noa i te faaohipa i ta tatou tahua itenati, e mea ti'a ia outou ia pata 'Accept' & Tapiri'. E nehenehe outou e taio hau atu â no nia i ta matou huru raveraa no nia i to matou iho huru oraraa. Te faaau nei matou i ta outou parau faaau e e nehenehe ta outou e ma'iti na roto i te haereraa i ta tatou iho ture no te oraraa omo'e e te pataraa i ni'a i te widget.